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Thursday 29 December 2016

Thought of Using Adobe Premiere Pro CC

Well.. I'm not gonna explain alot of details about basic information for this software. Pretty much you all can google by yourself ya. Hehe. Basically it is a video editing software from Adobe.

Instead! Today, I just want to share my experience in using it.

First of all, your laptop need to have at least 4GB RAM to run this. Huhuhu. Thank God I just bought a new laptop for this purpose. Hahaha. But still, quite heavy tho.

Anyway for video project, we got to learn about editing the green screen yeay! Such an interesting topic. There are a lot of tutorial in You Tube too. 

Personally for me, it was an easy software to learn. It just that it kinda lack of effect. Maybe because it need to be use together with Adobe After Effect ? The effect inside the software was not much.. But i personally love the transition effect they have. Looks professional and simple too.

This software is a powerful tool in video editing. As we can manipulate a lot with our video. I enjoyed deleting the background and replace it with different kind of background for videos while exploring. Plus, we can manipulate the audio too. We can adjust when to fade in and fade out. When do we want the background music to be slow and allow the subject audio to be louder. Editing video is so much easier with Adobe Premiere Pro.

The timeline also quite easy to understand. Layer by layer indicate last layer will be the background.

Overall, I love it. I used to produced a video for my church last Christmas. And have positive comments from my church leaders. It enable me to produce a clean,simple and nice professional video look. But for more effects I guess I need to use Adobe Effect or just use Filmora just like what I did in my video assignment for more contemporary look. Hehe.

Here is the video produced by me for Christmas 2016 ^^

Video Assignment : Cut Shot Techniques

Here is the video produced.  Ala-ala Music Video gtuu ~~

Special thanks to : Velantina and Jacline
Camera : Oppo A37
Editing Software : Filmora
Venue : PTPTN Johor

Video Technology Production Project

In this project, we decide to make a video with a concept of Interview Behind the Scene. Where we interview the actors about their student's life in UTM.

Along the way of producing this video, I learnt alot.

First of all, in term of handling camera video. Different video camera have different way to set up and handling too. There is one moment where we set up the video frame wrongly. Thank God we realized it earlier and countermeasure have been taken. And there are no effect to video size while editing the video too.

Secondly, I personally applied all the camera shot techniques and angle that we have learnt in class. Well, it is not easy. SO tiring! Hahaha. Especially when trying to do the panning without tripod. My leg need to be stable , adjusting center of gravity some more.  I have the chance to use some advanced camera shot for me such as rack focus. This technique can be achieved when shooting by controlling the focus button manually. We can set the focus to blur first toward second subject then we can control the focus to our next subject so it make the other subject blur. Let me show you one example from our video screen capture.

Thirdly, planning! A storyboard will do. We use a storyboard.com to create our storyboard which is really helpful. We only need to drag and drop the character and icon that we need inside the template. By referring to this storyboard, shooting was easier. We always come back to our storyboard when we seems to lost direction. This storyboard also help us in editing process too. It was so much easier to edit the flow of our video when we have storyboard. We know what we should do for next to keep the continuity of the video. Planning the shooting with actors also quite challenging since all have their own commitment but I thanked God all went well and smooth despite all the challenges we faced. Hehe.

Oh ya, there was one time where we scheduled a shooting on Friday evening in UTM Stadium and suddenly it's raining heavily. Thank God the rain was not that long and we awere able to proceed with the shooting later on. But, the actors need to be extra careful when we shoot the running part since the stadium track was quite slippery that time.

I can say that while producing this video, I really learnt alot. It was such a sweet memories for me. Throughout this process also, it teach me to be flexible. Flexible with time and changes if needed. It's not easy to produce a video. This video project that we made is only 7 minutes and 20 seconds but the process to shoot and edit takes forever. 

Hereby I would like to give thanks to my team mates. Cikgu Fadzil, Cikgu Fadillah and Kak Siti Khadijah. I have a great time working with these wonderful people. We were able to complement each other with knowledge and skills that we have and we made a great team. Thanks to Dr Jamal too for his knowledge sharing in class. It really helps us alot along the way.

Not to forget the actors involved. Since I am the casting director, I really thank God for my church members that were willing to spend their precious time to be involved in this project. Without them, this video project might be lacking of something.  Special thanks to Velantina, Jacline, Augeny, Joel, Alvin and Walthy as they were willing spend their Friday evening by running in UTM Stadium that was slippery. Great is your reward in Heaven guys!

So here is the video project by VIFF Production. Yeah, there might be a lacking here and there but we were proud to present our project as we have done our BEST! Next semester will join the video competition by SPS. Hehe! 



We need to compose a shot rather than just pointing the camera at the subject
The Language of Video Expression 

  • Image (Frame) •An Image (Frame) is much like a Single Word 
  • Shot •A Shot is like a Complete Sentence 
  • Scene •A Scene is like a Paragraph 
  • Sequence •A Sequence is like a Chapter
So what is composition ?

 Composition is the visual organization of the objects in a defined area
Well-framed shots are essential to basic filming. We should arrange our subject on the screen so that your shot is well balanced and pleasing to the eye. 

Composition determines what the viewer should pay attention to in the frame.

Good Composition? 
  • Obeying the “Rule of Thirds” 
  • Playing with Framing, Leading Lines, Pattern, Depth/Layer 
  • Proper Amount of Head Room, Lead Room, Motion Space 
  • Avoid Distracting Object, Background (Minimalism)

Poor photo composition can make a fantastic subject dull, but a well-set scene can create a wonderful image from the most ordinary of situations. So try your best to compose a great shot in video production too!

Cut Away,Sequence and Transition

These elements are invaluable in editing element as we want to enrich our contents.

1) Cut Away Shot

  • A cutaway shot is usually : •a related shot to the main action and also.. •a shot of something other than the subject and away from the main scene. 
  • It is usually followed by a cut back to the first shot and is useful for avoiding a jump cut when editing down a section of dialogue, or editing together two separate takes. 
  • It also allow you to transition to new material. 

2) Cut In Shot
  • Similar to cut away but shows a close up shot of something visible in the main scene.

3) Jump Cut
  • For most of film history, the jump cut was seen as a mistake and was something to be avoided. 
  • Today the jump cut has taken its place as just one of the many tools we use to tell a story. Mostly use in music video.

4) Match Cut

  • Carry over visual or audio elements from one shot to the next to make the edit nearly invisible.
There are three types of match cuts : 
  • graphical match cut (which uses a visual element in one shot and carries over that element to the next shot) 
  • match on action cut (in which the movement of a character or object is carried over from one shot to the next). 
  • sound bridge match cut (where an audio or sound element is used from one shot and carried over in the next shot)

Overall this kind of technique can be achieved while editing. Editor and cameraman should have a clear direction on what they want to accomplish with directors guidance too.

Tips for Capturing Great Video

1) Be prepared
  • Create a storyboard and shotlist.
I strongly encourage future film makers out there to always always prepare your storyboard. That is MOST important. Compared to shotlist, it can always changed because sometimes we will get new idea or scrap our usual idea when we were in the location of the shooting. But by having storyboard, you will know what you should do. What kind of flow you want for your video. Storybold hold your stories together and go to one direction. 

2) Opening Establishing Shot
  • Begin with what is called an establishing shot. Its a shot of location where the action is going to take place. For example if we want to shoot a birthday party, we should have the panning shoot for the place or house where the party being held.
3) Change angles and positions
  1. Viewers will be easily bored if we stuck at the same position for entire video production. 
  2. Change position and angle whenever necessary to convey impactful message to viewers.
4) Shoot close
  • Shoot close to our subjects. More background in the back makes it less appealing. Better if we can blur out the background to make our subject looks more stand out.

5) Don't forget the background
  • Keep it simple
  • Make sure there is no distraction background behind our subject too.

Check that objects don’t look like they’re growing out of your subject 

6) Get clear,steady footage
  • Avoid zoom in and out. Let the actors provide the motion.
  • Use our camera movement for a purpose. Plan what kind of panning and tilting that will be suitable to convey the message to viewers.
  • Use tripod or stabilizer too.
Here are two video tips for stabilizer if we don't have any stabilizer .

7) Capture Candid Shot 
  • Make your subjects feel comfortable and relaxed by talking and interacting with them 
  • Try to be discreet 
  • Take still images with a digital camera so you can incorporate the still images into your movie 
8) Composition
  • Make sure all parts of your shot work together -- the subject, background, color, and lighting 
  • Position your subject off center for a more interesting shot 
  • Make sure there is no unnecessary space around the subject 

9) Capture the complete story
  • Press “Record” about 5 seconds prior to the action starting and let the camera run about 5 seconds after the action stops 
  • Keep each and every short steady for at least 10 seconds. 
  • 15 second rule: When shooting for b-roll*, try to shoot at least 15 seconds of video. This makes editing it into smaller segments easier. 
  • Capture an establishing shot at the beginning of each scene 
10) Shooting for B-roll
  • B-Roll is a supplementary footage shown during a production. 
  • It can make telling your story much easier and compelling with added footage. It is often used to enrich a story.
  • B-roll can include the following: 
  • Video footage  
  • Graphical elements (Charts, diagrams etc.) 
  • Photographs 
  • Animation

How long should a shot be? 

  • 5 seconds minimum 
  • 10 – 20 seconds is preferred 
  • Get at least two shots (close-up and medium for example) of same spot before moving on. 
  • Shoot from different angles at the same spot to prevent boredom.

This tips are only for guidance. As we learnt and explore and experimenting, we can shot a very great video too. Most important is to not be afraid to try something new and exploring/experimenting new technique. Another thing is we can always browse through alot of video examples from all over the world in internet. Be inspired and make our own version then!

Production : Camera Shot & Movement & Angle

Common Shot Types

Camera Shot : size of the subject in the frame (How much of the person/subject we will see). 

For this topic, I think it better for me to just share common shot types that people always used in video.  Instead of explaining in details, pictures above show a thousand words. Research said people studied better with visual kan.. 

Apart from that, here is a Youtube Video that help us to understand more about camera shot. This video is really helpful in order to help us understand the basic concept concept of camera shots. Credit to the owner.

Different camere shots can bring different meaning and message to convey to viewer. Here is a link of blog that listed the advantages and disadvantages of using each camera shot in our video production.

Advantages & Disadvantages (Camera Shots)

Camera Movement

Camera movement : Help to make the video that we produced does not look static and boring.

7 Basic Camera Movements
Zoom : Use zoom creatively. Don't misused it. Zoom in or out from an unexpected, yet important, object or person in your shot. Use a quick zoom to add energy to a fast-paced piece.

Pan : when we move our camera horizontally; either left to right or right to left, while its base is fixated on a certain point. We are not moving the position of the camera itself, just the direction it faces. These are great for establishing a sense of location within your story.

Tilt: when we move the camera vertically, up to down or down to up, while its base is fixated to a certain point. Again, like panning, this move typically involves the use of a tripod where the camera is stationary but we move the angle it points to. These shots are popular when introducing a character from top to below of the character body.

Dolly : We move the entire camera forwards and backwards, typically on some sort of track or motorized vehicle. This type of movement can create beautiful, flowing effects when done correctly. If we want to attempt a dolly, make sure our track is stable and will allow for fluid movement. 
Tips : Can use some sort of trolley too! We tried this in our project. Hahaha!

Using trolley >.<

Truck : Trucking is the same as dollying, only we are moving the camera from left to right instead of in and out. It is best to do this using a fluid motion track that will eliminate any jerking or friction.

Pedestal : A pedestal is when you move the camera vertically up or down while it is fixated in one location. This term came from the use of studio cameras when the operators would have to adjust the pedestal the camera sat on to compensate for the height of the subject. A pedestal move is easy to do when the camera is fixated to an adjustable tripod.

Rack Focus : We adjust the lens to start an image blurry and then slowly make it crisper, or vice versa. It is an extremely effective way for us to change our audience’s focus from one subject to another.

Example of Rack Focus in our project

Camera Angle

Camera angle affect how we perceived it.

A strong weapon in the cinematographer’s arsenal is the ability to position the camera in relation to the subject or scenery.
Sometimes different angles will be chosen to emphasize different elements in the screen.

Example of High Camera Angle in our project

Low Camera Angle

Wednesday 28 December 2016

Pre-Production : Shot list

Once we have written our script/story board, we can use that to create shot list.

Shot list should include :

  • Shot number
  • Shot type
  • Angle
  • Duration
  • Description of action

Example of shotlist

Shot list is often created by the Director of Photography or member of the camera department  and is used to make sure all coverage needed is captured on location.

  • A complete list of shots we want to get
  • Images of particular people/subject
  • Contextual footage ("B -roll")
  • Establishing shots

Shot list often created based on Storyboards or script.

Resources for Templates:

Pre-Production : Storyboard

Story boarding : A process of producing sketches of the shot from your script.
End result looks like comic book of your film (without the speech bubbles)

Types of storyboard :
Hand drawn
Photo storyboard

Tools for storyboarding:
Inspiration,Kidspiration,Microsoft Word,Microsoft Power Point,pencil and paper

Another resource that I just found recently is : storyboardthat.com

This tools help us to create storyboard, providing us the background and character as well as icons/items need to be use in our storyboard. The drawback is that it is not free forever. We need to buy a package premium. But they do give us 14-days trial. And I personally love the functions they gave to us. Check it out by yourself!

While preparing the storyboard, here are the things that we need to consider :
  • How can we use shot types and angles to communicate meaning?
  • How we intend to use composition to communicate meaning?
  • The role of "mise-en-scene"
  • Use of framing
  • How we can use camerawork in a visually striking way?

Always include these in our storyboards :
  1. Graphic description of what takes place in the shot
  2. Camera movement/shot/size
  3. The direction which the camera should pan or zoom (use arrows)
  4. Shot duration
  5. A list of props that will be needed

By listing all these, it can helps cameraman and director to visualise.

Pre-Production : Scripting

A script is not just a dialogues. The script is a written guide to what you are going to film. All action should be in the script.

Basic rules include :

  • Keep it simple
  • Think in big pictures
  • Make every line of dialogue count
  • Show motivations and character type via dialogue

There are two types :

  • The "SPEC" script
  • The "SHOOTING" script

SPEC Script

SPEC Script contains :

  • Slug-line (Brief description of the setting e.g . "INT.ROOM-Day which means the interior of a room during the day)
  • Bussiness (descriptions of characters/action)
  • Dialog (lines intended to be spoken by the actors)

Format :

  • INT/EXT-Location-Time of Day
  • First appearance of character should be in capitals with brief description
  • Use Courier size 12 font

Shooting Script


  • Version of screenplay used during the production on motion picture
  • More details version of SPEC Script
  • Numbered scenes,specific camera angles and other technical information


  • Number each scene in script
  • Bracket off each intended shot
  • Designate each shot as CAM A/B/C (if use >1 camera)
  • Give each bracket a shot description
  • Make sure to leave lots of generous action overlap so you have editing options

When developing a shooting script , it is very important to convey what kind of environment you want to establish through your video. Take notes on the part of how to smoothly make the character move and what kind of POV we are sharing. Use variety of composition to shows relationship so our video is not too static and boring.

Tuesday 27 December 2016

Video Production Process

There are three  key stages in a successful Video Production.

  • Pre-production
  • Production
  • Post-production

A) Pre-production

  • Planning

Topic,budget, length of the video,contents,demographics

  • Content Gathering

Collect specific information,features,techniques,announcement and procedures

  • Scripting
  • Script is the engine of our video
  • It tells the story and pictures together
  • Script is mostly words
  • Two types of script
  • Dramatic - stories told by action and dialog for audience's entertainment,does not indicate individual camera shots or moves.
  • Informational - Two column video format script , left(video) column contains description of shots,camera movement. Right (audio) column contains words spoken by actors or narrator as well as description of music and sound effects.

  • Shot List
  • Based on the script, all needed shots are mapped out before shooting begin. Also known as story boarding.
  • Drawing of sketches would help us in better understanding

Some prefer write the script first meanwhile some prefer to do the storyboard first.

B) Production

  • Video Equipment
  • Professional Crew
  • Studio Rental,set design,props
  • Actors,voice over and on-camera talent
  • Specialty items,animals etc

C) Post Production

  • Logging of footage
  • Off-line edit or edit decision list
  • Production music & stock footage
  • Graphics & animations
  • Final on-line editing

Personally for me, the pre-production phase plays a very important role in a successful video production. It is very important to plan the video production well but at the same time, we need to learn to be flexible too. As some changes might takes plan due to unavoidable circumstances, or new ideas that come in along the way.